Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dirty Ashtrays

Photo credit: me/iphone

DIRTY ASHTRAY, the drink.
Ice cold Tecate(s)
Fresh limes cut in 1/2
Course sea salt (to taste)
Freshly ground (or not) pepper (to taste)
Tapatio or Tabasco (to taste)

Do not open the Tecate, squeeze a lime 1/2 atop.  Sprinkle salt and pepper and a few dots of hot sauce [be careful, too much and our lips will be on fire for hours].  Open can.  Drink.


[this is not my idea, but these are my proportions.  Thank you, to the New York posse for many days and many nights, many laughs and maybe a cry but most definitely for introducing me to this doozy!  SADF and see you in April for AJ's Funeral!  Can't wait.  HA! <3 ]

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