Saturday, January 19, 2008

Intro: Annie

Blog Doll Ya!

The idea was hatched to start a /food/music/wine/ blog while hanging out with my 16 year old neice a few weeks ago over her Christmas break from school. She's into photography, writing and music and I wanted to find a way to help encourage her to write about the music she hears, sees and captures. McKenzie and I spent a bunch of time hanging out over 4.5 days talking about music, eating food and seeing the sites of San Francisco. I also have a newish hobby in photography and have taken some photos that I'd rather share than just pile up on my hard drive. I thought it might be a cool idea to have a place to unload and share experiences in the pursuit of the things we are enjoying consuming through our various mouth and ear holes. I've invited a few other friends who enjoy these things-- hopefully they will accept my invitation-- I'll cross my fingers on that.

I'm Annie. Welcome to our Blahg.

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